Assessing, Mitigating and Prioritizing Climate-Related Risk for Your Organization
From “The Letter” to government policy to impending legislation, companies are feeling the pressure to better map and understand where there are climate-related risks within their portfolios.
Given these pressures, there has been a noticeable increase of interest in understanding and mitigating risks and how to build business resilience. The general increase in climate-aware organizations has brought resilience into focus, and as global climate change continues, climate-related risks continue to grow and become a significant threat to companies and the economy. It’s time for all companies to begin taking a proactive—rather than reactive—response to climate risk assessments and scenario planning.
Our experts, Mihaly Bor and Lindsey Edelman, discuss climate-related risks and trends and share best practices for how companies can understand risks, realize opportunities, and prepare for credible disclosures.